Selamat Tinggal T______T

Assalamualaikum ...
Such a long time didn't write in this pretty pinky wall. I miss it very much :)
I'm quite busy all this while handling my work since I'm going out from this Orange Company. So long guys. I'm gonna miss you all with all my heart T____________T
Ape kes petang2 berombak nih aku bspeaking ???

Actually since my father passed away, I'm very very very busy with my work, continue search for another work, settle all my late father's work etc ... please ignore all these nonsenses!
Well, aku rasa opis aku ni mcm dh jd trend plak ; trend staff bhenti beramai-ramai. Hahahaha mcm lawak je tp itulah kenyataannya :)

Finally, berjaya juga aku blah dr opis aku ni dgn aman damai (tp aku msh sangsi apekah aku akan aman damai or else?). Tapi so far my lovely GM accept my decision dgn baik & pasrah! Maybe dia pon malas nk offer aku dah and perhaps he is already found the right person to replace me. Perhaps! 

Honestly to say, deep down my heart I love my job. I love this company, I love the surrounding, I love all the electrical products, I love the stock take days, I love my office mates, I love the ad-hoc  programme ; my up-side-down annual dinner, everything ...
I hope soon I'll find a suitable job & place to work, insyaAllah. 
But, in many ways money is nothing. Satisfaction and appreciation is what all of us in this universe want.
Betoi kan??
Mana ade manusia di dunia ni keje mcm nk mampos semata2 utk di caci maki kn. Then keje mcm kuli batak bg idea bombastik, last2 idea di curi & orang len dpt nama. Ini tidak adil, ini tidak adil bagi ku ........
Because of this I made a decision to resign even though my heart felt in love with my job.  

Memang sedeh sesedeh sedehnya :(
Maybe this is my fate ; met a H.O.D like him. So pasrah sajalah. There was always a pro & cons. Aku tak kata semuanya yg tak baik sj. Tapi byk juga aku belajar dr yg negatif yg mn aku rs sgt bguna sbg benteng utk aku d ms depan hohohoho (ayt menyedapkan hati aku) :P
So sesi mhabiskan duit a.k.a meraikan perpisahan pon diadakan. Memang best sgt sbb kami semua lain2 dept then inilah saja ms utk kami bramah mesra. 
I wish all of us success in our future undertakings. Best of luck guys!

KAMI !!!

Kunun-kunun candid camera :)

Kekenyangan sampai masuk lewat after lunch :P

From left : SyaSya, Mira, Ziera, K.Hafni, Isma, Hajar, Anas, Ida & Me :)

Lots of fun with you all guys. Keep in touch via Skype & hope to meet again.
